Dr. Angela Potter I PCOS Fertility Treatments

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3 Misconceptions About PCOS That Are Keeping You From Getting Pregnant

Your friends are having babies and families. Of course you are happy for them. But they have moved on and you are still stuck in this hole.

Having PCOS and struggling with fertility leaves you feeling like you’ve lost a part of yourself in the whole process. Am I right?

On top of that, every time you go talk to your gynecologist, you get dismissive advice like, “I can’t prescribe you anything other than metformin until you lose weight.”

Ugh. Heartbreaking.

That’s why I’m here with you. Because I get angry when women like you get this dismissive advice about their PCOS and fertility.

Typically what’s happening is that these other docs just don’t have the bandwidth to fully understand the complexities of PCOS and fertility.

But where does that leave you? Getting pieces of fertility information that leave you hopeless and like your dreams of becoming a mother are now dashed.

From a medical perspective I will tell you that there is so much misinformation out there about PCOS.

And unfortunately, many doctors and fertility centers are missing out on big pieces of the fertility puzzle for PCOS.

So often fertility care is like a conveyer belt. Have you been to a fertility clinic yet and felt like it was just a baby factory? They don’t even talk to you about exercise, diet or lifestyle?

Here’s what I mean.

If you’ve been struggling to get pregnant, you’re told that your next step is to get on ovulation-induction medications.

Those don’t work?

Then you move forward on the conveyer belt to get an IUI.

That doesn’t work?

Well just move forward again to IVF.

You give IVF a try. But it’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall because no one has talked to you yet about improving your egg quality so you’re basically just leaving it up to chance hoping your eggs will be fine.

Will you have good quality eggs? Or will you not? If not, then you will just need to invest another $30K for yet another IVF cycle.

(Spoiler alert: you don’t have to leave it to chance. There are researched-backed ways to improve your egg quality).

Do you see how this kind of one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for PCOS?

If you have PCOS, you need individualized fertility care.

Why? Because PCOS looks different for everyone. In fact, there are four different types of PCOS. So the first step for optimizing fertility is that you need to know what type (or types) you are. That then guides you to know what the most important direction is to open up your fertility.

This type of conveyer belt, let’s-fit-you-in-a-box type of approach? It misses out on a huge part of your health that is keeping you from having the family of your dreams.

So today I am going to dispel three of these common misconceptions and mis-information about PCOS that you may very well have been told as truth.

It’s time that you had a beacon of fertility hope!

I am going to help you figure out how you can start turning around your fertility journey. Today.

You just need to grab instant access to my FREE PCOS Fertility Masterclass.

You will walk away knowing:

  • The most common misconceptions about PCOS, why they are not truth and what to do instead to help you optimize your fertility.

  • Why most fertility information from your doc is actually keeping you from getting pregnant.

  • The single most important step you can take in order to jump-start your fertility.

Are you ready to kick your PCOS to the curb and have the best chance at becoming pregnant?

Get instant access to this free PCOS fertility masterclass and watch it right now.

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