Everything You Need To Know About Metformin Vs. Myo-Inositol: Which Is Better To Boost PCOS Fertility?

Picture of a pink fake uterus surrounded by a variety of pills followed by the title everything you need to know about metformin vs. myo-inositol: which is better to boost PCOS fertility?

Metformin vs. myo-inositol, which is better to help improve fertility? You've heard of both of these and how they might help improve fertility, but do they really work? Should the be taken together? Is one better than the other?

Today, you are going to learn all of this and more!

Metformin vs. Myo-Inositol for PCOS Fertility

In order to talk about fertility, first let's talk about them separately.

Metformin: What is It?

Metformin is a medication that is used to help balance blood sugar issues. In fact, it's commonly used for type II diabetes.

Because metformin works so well to help balance blood sugar levels, doctors started using it with people who had PCOS. Why? Because it's estimated that close to 80% of people with PCOS have insulin resistance.

Once people with PCOS started taking it, it was quickly discovered that there were higher rates of pregnancy while on metformin so doctors began prescribing it a lot.

It soon became the first-line medication used for PCOS and fertility problems.

Metformin was originally thought to be helpful in these ways for fertility:

  • Lowering levels of testosterone and DHEA (androgen hormones)

  • Weight loss

  • Helping regulate cycles

  • Helping improve ovulation

After some time, more research came out that showed metformin was not bringing fertility results like expected.

Now, metformin is no longer recommended for PCOS and fertility, except when it's needed to help balance blood sugar levels for those with pre or overt diabetes.

Another thing to note about metformin are the side effects. It can cause not so fun digestive problems like diarrhea and stomach cramps. It can also lower levels of vitamin B12.

To get even more information about metformin, head over and read my blog Metformin and PCOS: What You Need to Know For Fertility

Myo-Inositol: What is it?

Myo-inositol is a type of carbohydrate that helps with blood sugar regulation. It is both made in the body, and is eaten through food or supplements. It has become a widely used supplement for PCOS, and for good reason.

There are two different types of inositol, one is myo-inositol and the other is d-chiro-inositol. As you can tell by their name, they are similar molecules but they have some differences. Both are used to help with glucose regulation in the body.

Side effects with myo-inositol? None that are noted.

Side effects with D-chiro-inositol? This molecule can cause testosterone levels to rise so long-term use with PCOS is not recommended.

Myo-Inositol: How is it helpful for fertility?

There are lots of studies looking at how myo-inositol can help improve PCOS fertility. These are a few of the fertility benefits:

  • Egg maturation

  • Higher pregnancy rates

  • Lowers elevated levels of LH

  • Improves LH:FSH ratio

  • Helps with metabolism and insulin levels

  • Helps regulate menstrual cycles

Metformin vs. Myo-Inositol for Fertility: Which is Better?

So now to answer your big question, metformin vs. myo-inositol, which is better?

So first I've got to remind you that this blog is written for informational purposes only. In order to decide which is right for your situation, you need to talk with your doctor.

Based on the medical literature and studies, metformin is no longer recommended to be helpful for PCOS fertility, unless insulin-resistance is a strong part of the infertility picture and needs to be addressed.

Because metformin is still used as a diabetic medication, it is helpful for improving insulin rates. If insulin is a barrier to you getting pregnant, then metformin may be helpful.

When considering metformin vs. myo-inositol, it's also important to think about the side effects.

About 25% of people experience the annoying digestive side effects.

Metformin also decreases vitamin B12 levels in the blood and can lower absorption of vitamin B12 from foods. So much so that it's recommended to get yearly vitamin B12 levels checked.

Myo-inositol is showing very positive improvements with PCOS fertility and there are no adverse side effects.

Metformin vs. Myo-Inositol: Summary

Metformin and Myo-inositol both help improve blood sugar levels which can be an important part of your PCOS journey.

But beware if you talk with a doctor who says metformin is the one key to opening up PCOS fertility, because that’s not what the research says.

Metformin also has a variety of side-effects that you may not want.

Myo-inositol is free of side effects and also helps improve fertility measures.

Are you sooo frustrated with PCOS? Like which stuff is best? Do you also feel so stuck right now?

Figuring out which medications and supplements to help improve fertility can be hard.

I'm here for you.

Grab a spot on my calendar here and I'll help you cut through the noise and help you figure out what's best for your unique fertility situation.

Dr. Angela Potter

Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Potter and I am the creator of the PCOS Fertility Protocol. I offer individualized PCOS fertility plans in Portland, Oregon and virtually to women across the country.

Over the last decade of seeing patients, I was seeing too many women who felt hopeless and like their body was broken because they had PCOS and couldn’t get pregnant. That’s what inspired me to create my PCOS Fertility Protocol to help women (just like you!) have a clear path forward for their fertility.


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