The Helpful PCOS Treatment You Need to Improve Fertility
The fall colors are in full force in my neck of the woods (Oregon) and they are stunning! I really love the changing seasons. I also love taking advantage of the seasons and storing foods that can last the full year. Which is why I'm going to share about the connection between blueberries and the parts of a PCOS treatment plan that help improve your fertility.
One way I take advantage of the seasons is harvesting a ton of fruit in the summer to use throughout the year. Blueberries are one fruit that I harvest a lot of, 100 pounds in fact!
Fresh blueberries are delicious.
They are also jam-packed with important antioxidants and anthocyanins that help lower inflammation, improve egg quality and support detox. Just a few of the many reasons why I like to keep them on hand in the freezer!
This year, as I was picking blueberries I was thinking about you and fertility, here’s why.
When I'm walking down the aisles of blueberry bushes, I get so excited seeing all the ripe berries that I just start grabbing to get them in my bucket.
Classic blueberry clump with a mix of both fresh and unripe berries!
But the problem is, those ripe berries are always growing in clumps with other younger berries that are not at all ready to be picked (picture below).
In my utter excitement I just grab at the whole clump trying to get the freshest berries.
What ends up happening?
Either I end up dropping (and losing!) those big, juicy fresh berries that I wanted. Or I pull off young berries that aren’t ripe and need to be dropped down in the grass.
It turns into a berry-picking event that is ineffective, wasteful and extra time-consuming.
PCOS treatment can be like that too
You visit your endocrinologist and primary care doctor and they don’t explain anything, they just want you on meds.
So you start following PCOS people on TikTok. They recommend a fertility blend supplement so you give it a try to see if it works.
Where does this leave you?
—> Working with a doctor who is useless and dragging you through the hoops. You end up learning more on TikTok than from any doctor you’ve ever seen.
—> That fertility blend supplement? Sure it’s got some good nutrients in it, but I’ve never seen a blend that has the correct research-backed dose. Those blends typically have nutrient levels that are much lower than what is useful.
What’s happening is that you’re trying to get all the berries at once. For good reason of course! But what you end up getting is a bucket full of unripe berries.
Well, in your case you are getting a fertility plan that is ineffective, and a waste of your money, sanity and time.
All this leaves you feeling broken and lost. Am I right?
What you need is a PCOS treatment plan that has these 4 key pieces in place
Figuring out what is keeping you from ovulating and getting pregnant.
Addressing 👆those things
Getting you the PCOS-specific support needed to improve fertility.
Figuring out if and when the optimal time is to use fertility medications.
Once you have those things in place? That’s when fertility with PCOS opens up the most.
Are you feeling so stuck right now? Overwhelmed? And you don’t know where to start or what to do?
Then it’s time to make a change.
That change is to book a PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session.
This is a free call with me where you will discover what’s getting in the way of your next pregnancy and how to optimize your fertility.
I’m excited to help you with a fruitful 😉 fertility path forward.
Here I am early morning on the blueberry farm!
Did you LOVE this article and are you excited to learn even more about PCOS fertility? Great! Here are the articles you need to read next:
Megan’s Uplifting and Remarkable PCOS Story About Overcoming Infertility
The Important PCOS Diagnosis Criteria You Need to Know About Fertility