Struggling to Get Pregnant with PCOS? 3 Key Fertility Steps to Have in Place Right Now

Are you struggling to get pregnant with PCOS? Have you been to your gynecologist and she literally says, “you’re infertile and the only way to treat your PCOS is to get back on birth control”?

Talk about unhelpful.

And getting dismissive advice like that also leaves you feeling broken, fed up and feeling like you’re failing as a woman. Am I right?

When you are struggling to get pregnant with PCOS, you need hope. You need a plan that can give you straight forward fertility advice to help you get pregnant. 

Well thank goodness you are here because that’s exactly what I’ve got for you today. If you're struggling to get pregnant with PCOS, these three steps are going to help you have the best chance at making a baby. 

Hands holding a pregnancy test followed by the title struggling to get pregnant with PCOS? 3 steps not to miss

Struggling to Get Pregnant with PCOS? What You Need to Know

Before we get into the steps, let’s talk about why there is so much misinformation about PCOS and fertility out there.

Well, for starters, PCOS not only affects your baby-making abilities but also your skin, your weight, your periods and your hair.

(Hello! I did NOT know hair could grow there, can someone please show me straight to the laser hair removal salon??). 

Let’s use that unwanted hair growth as an example for a minute.

Having hair growing all over your body may not seem to directly affect your fertility, but it does when you look under the surface.

That extra hair growth comes from too many androgen hormones (familiar with testosterone? That’s an androgen hormone) running through your body.

When too much testosterone is in your body, it stops ovulation.

See, many fertility doctors are focused on jump-starting ovulation ASAP.

Now of course ovulation is the goal. But if there are other things in the body that are causing you not to ovulate, those need to be addressed first

What opens up fertility the most is an individualized plan that looks at your complete body.

Do you see how a plan that includes addressing your unwanted hair growth, your acne, your painful periods and other issues can help open up many fertility possibilities? 

Because when you are addressing those things, you are addressing important factors that are keeping you from getting pregnant.

When you've got that dialed in? Well then your chances of getting pregnant rise a lot.

Get the vital info you need about PCOS and improving your chances of getting pregnant right here

Alright, now you know that when you're struggling to get pregnant with PCOS you need an individualized plan. So now it’s time to get into the three steps to take in order to boost PCOS fertility.

3 Vital Steps To Optimize Your PCOS Fertility

Struggling To Get Pregnant With PCOS Step #1: Get crystal clear on your PCOS diagnosis

Has your doctor explained exactly why you have PCOS?

Here’s the thing, PCOS is not a cut and dry diagnosis. In order to be diagnosed with PCOS, you need to have at least two out of three criteria.

Understanding which of the two (or if you have all three) is important so you can know what specific areas need to be worked on in your body to help improve your fertility.

If you’re unfamiliar with the criteria, I’ll share them with you.

PCOS Diagnosis

One criteria is having ovulation issues. This means either you’re having long or irregular cycles. Or it can mean that you’ve had an ultrasound or a blood test that shows that you aren’t ovulating. 

Another criteria is having cysts on your ovaries. You will know if you have cysts if you’ve had an ultrasound. 

And the last criteria is having high androgen hormones. There are simple blood tests that will tell you if you have too much testosterone or DHEA. But also know that some doctors will gauge your androgen levels by the amount of unwanted hair growth you have. That is how closely related extra hair growth is to those elevated androgens. 

The benefit of knowing exactly what makes up your diagnosis is that it makes your fertility plan that much more effective.


Because each one of these criteria requires a different treatment plan. Lowering the number and size of cysts requires different treatment than getting unwanted hair growth to go away, which is different from restoring ovulation in the body. 

Doesn’t it make sense that because PCOS has these different elements to it that it wouldn’t respond well to a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach?

If that’s the kind of approach you’ve been getting so far, that may be why you're still struggling to get pregnant with PCOS.

Struggling To Get Pregnant With PCOS Step #2: Figure out your PCOS type

You’ve gotten clear on your diagnosis, now you are going to take it one step further. When you're struggling to get pregnant with PCOS your next step is to figure out what type (or types) of PCOS that you have. 

If you haven’t heard of the PCOS types, that’s okay. I’m going to walk you through it briefly here and also give you some resources to read up on it more. 

The PCOS Types

There are four different types of PCOS. You may fall into just one type, or you may be a mix of all of them, or you may fall anywhere in between. The point is not how many or how few types you fit into, the point is to figure out which type(s) you are. 

The categories of the different PCOS types are insulin-resistant, adrenal, inflammatory and post-pill PCOS.

Don’t worry if those words don’t make much sense to you now. If you want to read up more about each type and what would make someone fit into each type or not, then head over and read my Ultimate Guide to PCOS Fertility blog post here.

I do also recommend you work with a PCOS specialist to help you figure out which type you are.

Because what’s so important about figuring out which PCOS type that you are?

Well, each type requires a different treatment plan. You need to know which type you have so that your fertility plan becomes more individualized to your unique needs. No cookie cutter approach here!

Okay, so you've been struggling to get pregnant with PCOS. But now you know exactly why you were diagnosed and you also know which type (or types) of PCOS that you have. Doesn’t that feel really good to have this concrete information about what your body is doing? And can you feel how this is setting you up for an effective fertility plan once you have this information?

Now, on to step three.

Struggling To Get Pregnant With PCOS Step #3: Check for other imbalances that impact fertility

You may be picking up on this, but let’s just get it out in the open, PCOS fertility is not just your lady-parts! And finding imbalances in your body are going to help you uncover other areas that are keeping you from getting pregnant.

So far, we’ve focused on how figuring out your PCOS diagnosis and types are key to understanding ovulation hurdles in your body. But understanding other hormones and how they interact with your fertility is just as important. And the biggest one to pay attention to is the thyroid. 

Thyroid issues are the number one side-kick that I see with PCOS fertility. I can’t tell you how many times I see someone with an under-active thyroid who is trying to get pregnant. 

Thyroid hormones are so important in the fertility journey because they interact directly with the ovaries to help with egg quality and growth. Any issues with the thyroid are going to affect fertility. 

Ask your doc if they are ordering thyroid labs for you. You may be working with a fertility-savvy doctor already and they know all the tests to order. But if not, you’re going to need to advocate for yourself.


Because most docs are ordering only a TSH test to evaluate thyroid function.

This is a big mistake.

You need to have a comprehensive thyroid evaluation (don’t be overwhelmed by my use of “comprehensive”, it is just a set of lab tests that means more than just the TSH test) that especially includes thyroid antibodies.

Your TSH may be normal but you can still have positive antibodies. Those antibodies are causing inflammation in the body and can alter your hormones and negatively affect your fertility. 

So not only are your thyroid hormones potentially getting in the way of having a baby, but also these pesky thyroid antibodies and you need to know if it’s an issue for your body and your fertility.

Okay, let’s sum this up

When you're struggling to get pregnant with PCOS, these are the three most important steps you need:
—> First off, you want to get clear on what makes up your PCOS diagnosis.
—> Next, you are going to figure out which type (or types) of PCOS you have.
—> After that? You are going to check for other imbalances that may be keeping you from getting pregnant. 

Do you see how having this information sets you up for a rock-star fertility plan moving forward? 

Does your doctor just give you 15 minutes of their time? Do you walk out with just a pamphlet and a medication?

If that's you, then you are getting a one-size-fits-all approach to PCOS. This type of approach doesn't work with PCOS. An individualized plan does.

Sign up for a FREE PCOS Fertility Breakthrough Session
to understand why what you’ve been doing hasn’t been helping you get pregnant and what actually works.

Are you loving this post and are you excited to learn even more about PCOS fertility? Check out these other posts:

Metformin and PCOS: What You Need to Know To Improve Fertility

Getting Pregnant With PCOS Quickly: 3 Truths You Need to Know

Top 5 Unique Foods for A Nutritious PCOS Diet

Dr. Angela Potter

Hi! I’m Dr. Angela Potter and I am the creator of the PCOS Fertility Protocol. I offer individualized PCOS fertility plans in Portland, Oregon and virtually to women across the country.

Over the last decade of seeing patients, I was seeing too many women who felt hopeless and like their body was broken because they had PCOS and couldn’t get pregnant. That’s what inspired me to create my PCOS Fertility Protocol to help women (just like you!) have a clear path forward for their fertility.

[Free Checklist] How To Improve PCOS Fertility With These 10 Valuable Tips


Getting Pregnant with PCOS Quickly: 3 Truths You Need to Know